Jerzy Buzek

Jerzy Buzek

Position: Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Parliament in the years 2009–2012, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in the years 1997–2001, Chairman of the Programme Board of the EEC

Polish politician and university professor, Jerzy Buzek is a former Prime Minister of Poland and former President of the European Parliament. A member of the European Parliament since 2004, he currently chairs European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). He is the chairman of the European Energy Forum, a platform for discussion between European energy stakeholders and policymakers. Presently, he lead's EP's work on the Security of Gas Supply and Clean Energy Innovation legislation, being formerly responsible for, inter alia, the EU Internal Energy Market, European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research. In 2010, together with Jacques Delors, he proposed the creation of a “European Energy Community”, a strategy to strengthen energy legislation and cooperation within and outside the EU which laid foundations for EU's Energy Union. He serves as the Honorary Chairman of the Patronage Council of the EEC.

Participates in the sessions:

  • A different Europe in a different world


    A different Europe in a different world

    A different Europe in a different world

    A new plan for Europe is needed – the ‘status quo’ no longer works. Political transformations in Europe are inching towards populism and isolationism – what is their impact on business conditions? What does the European option associated with the free market in the economy and democracy in politics have to offer? The economy in Europe after Brexit. Repercussions for economic exchanges, the European job market and finance. Likelihood of other exits – a deterrent effect? Possible changes in European cohesion policy (budget reduction and a greater orientation towards competition). A two-speed Europe: Is it a scenario in the making? The new role and position of the euro area. What about the countries of ‘inferior speed’? The countries of Central Europe in view of internal transformations of the European Union.

  • The energy industry in Europe – the most important questions


    The energy industry in Europe – the most important questions

    The energy industry in Europe – the most important questions

    In what way will EU-level regulations determine the development of the energy industry? The Climate Package, the Winter Package, and the EU ETS system. The road to the Energy Union – sustainable, secure and competitive energy in Europe. Polish energy strategies: Where are we headed? The technological revolution and its effects: energy storage, electromobility, distributed and prosumer power generation, and new solutions in the renewable energy industry. Let the power be with us: How much does energy security cost? The energy for industry – it should be reliable, readily available and cheap. Is it possible?

  • The climate policy - continuations and corrections


    The climate policy - continuations and corrections

    The climate policy – continuations and corrections

    • COP 24 in Poland in 2018. Hopes and expectations
    • Fighting climate change in the new international situation
    • The EU climate policy versus the energy sector after 2020
    • Changes in the ETS system. Potential consequences for the energy industry and the economy
    • Environmental standards and renewable energy sources development goals. The target energy mix
  • Transformation of mining and industry regions in the EU

  • The leisure industry


    The leisure industry

    The leisure industry

    • Travel and tourism; culture and entertainment; and sport and recreation – the importance of these areas of activity to the Polish economy and labour market
    • The impact of the leisure industry on the attractiveness of regions, their development, and investment inflow
    • The potential of the leisure industry and the degree of its utilisation. Related services, infrastructure and investment
    • Actions at the national level, as well as at the local and regional levels, that support the development of the sector
    • Can Poland become the Central European leisure industry centre?

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