Piotr Chełmiński

Piotr Chełmiński


Position: Member of the Board for Development and Energy

Member of the Management Board; Business Development / Power and Heat Generation Officer

Mr. Piotr Chelminski is a graduate of the Warsaw University of Agriculture. In 1996, he completed postgraduate course in management at the University of Management and Marketing in Warsaw (Partner of the University of Denver in USA). He studied at the Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology in the field of gas energetics on specialization of Gas Turbines and Combined Gas Systems as well graduated Senior Executive Programme in London Business School (SEP 88 LBS). During his professional career he has accumulated years of experience holding various positions on the management boards of Polish and other foreign-owned companies, including listed companies. In the years 1995 – 1996 he served as Vice-President for sales, marketing and export of Okocimskie Zaklady Piwowarskie S.A. (brewery). From 1996 to 1996 he worked for Eckes Granini GmbH & Co. KG (fruit beverages) as Regional Director for CEE region and as President of its subsidiary, Aronia S.A. During 1999 – 2001 he has been a Member of the Board of Directors, Browar Dojlidy Sp. z o.o. (brewery). From 2001 to 2002 he held the position of the Member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Supervisory Board of Werner & Merz Polska Sp. z o.o. (manufactures products in cleaning, care and conservation). In the following years (2001 – 2006) he served as Member of the Board of Directors and as Member of the Supervisory Board – direct operational supervision of Sales and Marketing, Kamis-Przyprawy S.A. (leader in the Polish seasoning and species market). From 2006 to October 2009 he served as Vice-President for Sales and Marketing, Gamet S.A. Torun, Poland (production of furniture accessories), and (2007 - 10/2009) as Member of the Board of Directors, Gamet Holdings S.A. Luxembourg.

From December 2009 to April 2013 he held the post of Chairman of Board of Directors and CEO at Unipetrol, a.s.

On March 6th, 2012, he was appointed to the position of the Member of PKN ORLEN Management Board responsible for Petrochemical Operations, effective from March 10th, 2012. At the same time the Company’s Supervisory Board agreed for holding by Mr. Piotr Chelminski a position in the Board of Directors of Unipetrol, a.s., PKN ORLEN’s subsidiary.

He was entrusted with the post of Member of Supervisory Board of Unipetrol on April 8th, 2013.

On March 6th 2014, Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN S.A. reappointed Mr. Piotr Chełmiński to the position of Member of the Management Board, for the common three year term of office, starting May 16th, 2014, i.e. after the day of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting that approved financial statement for 2013.

Currently, he serves as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ANWIL S.A. and Chairman of Supervisory Board Basell Orlen Polyolefins Sp. z o. o.

Participates in the sessions:

  • The energy industry in Europe – the most important questions


    The energy industry in Europe – the most important questions

    The energy industry in Europe – the most important questions

    In what way will EU-level regulations determine the development of the energy industry? The Climate Package, the Winter Package, and the EU ETS system. The road to the Energy Union – sustainable, secure and competitive energy in Europe. Polish energy strategies: Where are we headed? The technological revolution and its effects: energy storage, electromobility, distributed and prosumer power generation, and new solutions in the renewable energy industry. Let the power be with us: How much does energy security cost? The energy for industry – it should be reliable, readily available and cheap. Is it possible?


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