Andrzej Gantner

Andrzej Gantner

Company: Polish Federation of Food Industry Union of Employers

Position: Vice-President of the Board, General Director

Andrzej Gantner (PhD) - vice-president of the board, general director of the Polish Federation of Food Industry Union of Employers (PFPŻ ZP), editor-in-chief of the quarterly "Food-Lex", member of the Council of the Employers and Entrepreneurs Union, member of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Commerce, member of the Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He represents PFPŻ ZP in the largest European organization of the food industry, Food Drink Europe. For over 20 years associated with the food industry in terms of management, marketing, public relations, corporate social responsibility. Author of numerous publications and analyzes on the food market and the food economy.


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