Tomasz Chmal

Tomasz Chmal

art collector, attorney

Counsel, mediator, partner at Trzeciak|Chmal, modern art collector. Author of a book on own experience with art collecting titled: “Collection. Personal exhibition”.

In 2000-2017 he cooperated with international law firm- White & Case, as a partner he headed the Energy & Natural Resources practice. He participated in the largest transactions in energy sector in Poland. Co-Founder of Business & Science Poland in Brussels, a business lobbying centre representing leading Polish companies.

Former member of the board as well as expert in energy at Sobieski Institute. He actively cooperates with NGOs: Zbigniew Pelczynski School for Leaders, Friends of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Divine Providence Center, and the Tertio Millennio Institute.

He climbs in high mountains. In his professional practice he concentrates on regulatory and public affairs issues. 

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