Atrakcyjność inwestycyjna Polski
Firma: ABSL
Stanowisko: prezes zarządu
Firma: ABSL
Stanowisko: prezes zarządu
Senior leader with rich international experience in building and running advanced business services, technology and commercial transformations.
As of May 2019, joined Accenture Management Consulting as Principle Director in Technology Advisory. Over the course of 2018 OEX Group Business Development Director and Board Member at ArchiDoc S.A. a leading Polish business services provider. Before that, for over 20 years IT and Global Business Service Leader in Procter & Gamble, a leading CPG global player.
Responsible for multiple regional and global business and technology transformations including major organization redesigns. In charge of building and running the second largest IT centre in the P&G world located in Warsaw, Poland.
Responsible for vital business services and solutions including BI, analytics, master data, direct to consumer solutions and planning capabilities.
One of ABSL Founders. Member of the Board since 2009. In 2017 elected to the Strategic Board. Re-elected in 2019 to assume the role of the ABSL Summit and Conferences Lead.
Janusz graduated from Warsaw University of Technology and received an MBA certified by three leading European Universities. He spent over 4 years in P&G European headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
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