European Economic Congress


Security first

A new priority for Europe: a strong European economy as a foundation; security on the agenda of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union. European defence capabilities and the military potential of NATO. Cooperation towards economic and energy security within the EU. Integration of defence resources, mobilisation of European industry, orders and long-term contracts for European companies. Energy security, fuels and resources security, food security, health and medicines security, resilience of critical infrastructure. Cyber security, tackling disinformation, responses to hybrid warfare, Migration trends vs. the safety of the European Union.

Important time: Poland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union

Strategy and priorities of the Polish leadership in the Council of the European Union. Its track record so far and the summary of the presidency halfway through. Common European defence and security policy. New challenges faced by member states – their efforts on the way to increasing the community’s defence capabilities. A new stage in cooperation between the European Union and the United States of America. EU support for Ukraine, contribution of the EU to Ukraine’s reconstruction, preparations for expansion. Energy security of the community with the principles of just transition in mind. European economy: competitive, innovative, low-emission – how to marry all that? 

Green energy, green economy

How to make the economy and energy sector more sustainable, garnering the widest possible social support for the initiative? Legislation that does not ignore the complexity of the environment of the economy, new threats, conditions, and risk factors. Affordable and clean energy as a prerequisite for economic and civilisational growth. Green revolution in energy, fuels, raw materials: the scale and dynamics of change, conditions for acceleration, the role of legislation, administration, and private investors. The new energy mix – no emissions: investments in renewable energy sources and nuclear power. Adaptation to new requirements as opportunity, not a threat. Transparent business practices for the environment. 

Geopolitics, Europe, economy

Economy in new conditions. How to be effective, support development, and act responsibly in a volatile world? Support for Ukraine in a new political reality. European cohesion and solidarity – the prospects for expansion, expectations and fears. Allies, partners, adversaries: transatlantic relationships in a new perspective. In search of effective global models of co-existence and international economic cooperation. Access to resources and critical raw materials. Self-sufficiency and competitiveness of the European economy. Logistics of global trade, new trade routes and supply chains.

Investments and development

Large investments in European infrastructure, energy and industry. Acceleration? How to make sure that investments provide fuel for growth? Modern infrastructure in the face of new needs: reliable, safe, resilient. How to finance and realize investments in ground-breaking projects? EU funds, investors, banks and business in the face of internal threats, volatility and risk. Investments increasing competitiveness – conclusions of the Draghi report. How can business contribute to the programme? Potential beneficiaries, key industries, prioritized fields of expertise. Energy, security, defence as strategic criteria of European investments. Sustainable investments in green transport – in the face of epochal challenges.

Digitalisation, technologies, legislation

The digital agenda of the EU and Poland’s digitalisation strategy: aims, assumptions, tools and execution. Safe digital space. Cyber threats. How can digitalisation be used to solve, instead of exacerbating, problems? Innovative companies and technologies in Europe – preventing the outflow, conditions for successful commercialisation. Technologies of the future and their business utility – where to invest. Trustworthy artificial intelligence: how to create ecosystems for AI, at the same time reasonably stimulating and regulating it. Turbocharged digitalisation: support institutions, public funds, business-friendly legislation.

Thematic blocks


Migration policy

How should Europe approach migration? Opportunities and threats presented by migration. Poland as a “front-line” state. Migration policy vs. demographic trends and the needs of the labour market: today and tomorrow. What migrants do the economies of Poland and Europe want? Assimilation, but how: practice, the success rate of assimilation schemes, rights and liberties. As society, are we ready to embrace multi-ethnicity? 

Global market anew

New conditions of rivalry between economic and political superpowers. Incentive schemes, hidden subsidies, trade wars, tariff barriers – the modern arsenal of market protection. What awaits us in the nearest future? Possible escalation scenarios and related threats to business. How does Europe navigate the reality of exacerbating global competition? What mechanisms are needed to make the European economy more independent and competitive, without compromising its trade exchange and economic partnership with other states?

Ukraine: war and reconstruction

Military support, humanitarian and economic aid for fighting Ukraine. New international landscape. The scale of EU support for Ukraine so far: stable support mechanisms, increasing the state’s resilience, preparing for reconstruction. Agendas of the United Nations and other global institutions present in Ukraine and acting to its benefit. Ukraine and its struggle in the light of the new US administration and the approach of other global superpowers towards it. 

Poland, Ukraine, Europe

EU solidarity in practice: economic support, humanitarian and military aid, increasing the state’s resilience. How does Poland contribute and what role can it play? Challenges posed by the reconstruction of Ukraine – Poland as a major hub (trade and aid) supplying Ukraine. The capacity of borders, transport infrastructure. Can Polish private enterprises effectively contribute to the process of rebuilding Ukraine? What conditions must Polish businesses meet in order to participate in removing the effects of the war and contribute to the establishment of a modern Ukrainian state? Are we ready for it? Cooperation between Polish businesses, financial resources and embracing the risk. Alone, or alongside a strong partner? The ideas and experience of companies maintaining ties with Ukraine.

Institutions and development

The widening gap between rich and poor countries – one of the dominant themes of contemporary world. The reasons for, and long-term consequences of, socio-economic and political global inequality. The impact on institutions of the dynamics of economic growth and affluence. Inclusive and exclusive institutions. The role of a political system that favours one against the other. The role of self-organisation and institutions of civic society. Can poor countries catch up with their rich counterparts in a crisis of democratic systems? Laying a foundation for a democratic system, establishing valuable institutions in developing countries. A new model of developmental aid? The role of education, communication, and leadership.


Business on a green path

How to render the economy and energy sector more sustainable, without shaking the foundations of growth? Strategies of companies, the promotion of new values, the economics of transition. Green investments and decarbonisation of businesses. Transparent business practices for the environment. Large organisations, smaller companies, corporations and tycoons facing the principles of EU climate policy and global challenges. Adapting to new regulatory requirements as an opportunity.

Climate-friendly technologies 

The role of technologies in pursuing the goals of climate-neutral economy. Key solutions in the following areas: renewable energy sources, hydrogen economy, energy storage, energy efficiency, e-mobility. How to develop groundbreaking solutions and commercialize findings of research? Reducing the amount of resources used in manufacturing, recycling and circular economy. Green economy with digital support – IT tools applied in logistics and planning, used for forecasting the efficiency of undertaken action, monitoring, and calculating the carbon footprint. Adaptive technologies.

Closed circuit economy

New legal requirements concerning circular economy and new expectations of the consumer – is business ready for them? Applying the principles of circular economy in businesses: business models that minimise the consumption of resources and production of waste. Examples, experiences, best practices, ineffective and vague action. Knowledge, support, technologies – where to find them? Developing circular manufacturing processes. Applied principles of circular economy as a source of value and competitive edge.

ESG – challenges faced by business

The CSRD directive in action. Obligations of businesses operating in the European Union – their gradual imposition. Practical examples of reporting by businesses. How to prepare? How much does it cost? Who can help and how? How is reporting on the carbon footprint and environmental impact going to affect companies, the system of values and relationships, businesses’ future strategies, their position on the labour market, and competitive edge?

Financing the sustainable economy

What constitutes a “green investment”, what is the definition of sustainable economic activity – the need for a uniform European standard. The costs of economic transition by 2040 and the scale of tasks – in the world, Europe, Poland, and across sectors. The necessary financial packages. Public funds and contribution by private businesses. Financing the implementation of technologies and environmental innovations within the National Recovery Plan. Other European funds. Investments in the improvement of climate and the environment in policies of banks; the criteria and models of their relationships with business clients.


Transition of the energy sector

Energy transition in strategic documentation. Goals, tools, justice. The reduction of green house gases emission, the goals of climate neutrality, prioritized initiatives. Where are we? What must be done immediately? Renewable energy sources in electrical power engineering and heating – factors hampering their development and obstacles to overcome. Nuclear power projects and their progress. Financial institutions undergoing transition – how to finance change? Coal vs. the stability of energy systems. The energy market in transition. The significance of accessible, affordable and green energy in an economy’s competitiveness. Transition of the energy sector as an opportunity for industry.

Europe and its energy

Central Europe’s energy security in the context of transition, geopolitics and crises. The potential of international cooperation, joint enterprises aimed at increasing the security, resilience and stability of energy systems. EU legislation in service of these goals and stimulating investments. The role of the energy market in the green transition, climate neutrality and energy independence.

Investments and security

Poland’s energy security: balancing, the risk of insufficient available power and system resilience, technical aspects. What investments in generation capacity do Poland’s energy sector and economy need? How to stimulate them? Nuclear power, off-shore wind, energy storage – the areas and projects that are critical from the perspective of security. Investments in the distribution and transmission networks ensuring the stability of Poland’s national power system. The power system in new light. Tools alternative to the power market that ensure the system’s stability.

On-shore wind

Assumptions of the EU on the share of on-shore wind in its energy mix. The potential and pace of, as well as barriers to, increasing the capacity of on-shore wind in Poland. Another loosening of the 10H act? The condition of the development market. The forecast development of new projects – the costs, scale, and schedules. Will industry transition to wind power? The potential of post-industrial and forest areas, as well as special areas for the development of renewable energy sources. Connecting new capacity to the grid, “cooperation” with PV farms, energy storage. PPAs. The significance of support systems.

Offshore wind

Offshore wind in EU and Poland’s energy policies. Investments in offshore in Europe. Polish pre-auction offshore projects – investors, progress, schedules. The role of offshore wind in the energy transition. Local content: expectations vs reality Offshore auctions in Poland – waiting for a first. International partnerships. Grid infrastructure for offshore wind. The price of energy produced by offshore wind and the cost of public aid.

Renewable energy sources

Polish renewable energy mix – the current condition, potential, prospects. Renewable energy sources as a means of reaching energy independence. Conditions for the development of projects – locations, environmental decisions, the executive market. The green energy market. Certificates, auctions – what kind of support for investments in large-scale renewable energy sources do we need? Investments in renewable energy sources at arm’s length. Forced shut-downs of renewable energy sources – how to solve the problem? Investments in distribution networks and the possibility of connecting new capacity from renewable energy sources – organisational solutions reducing the number of rejections. Technologies of renewable energy sources applied in Poland.

Clean energy – local content

The involvement of Polish industry and the construction sector in the development of offshore and onshore wind farms, other renewable energy investments, and the nuclear programme. The experience of domestic industrial players in international projects. Specific industry requirements, investor audits. Investor requirements and obligations – balancing regulation with free market principles.

Going nuclear

The assumed role of nuclear power in Poland’s energy mix: security, stability, removing most intense emitters from the mix. The difficult art of creating an energy system based on nuclear power and renewable energy sources. Legislation, strategic documents. PPEJ/PEP2040. Financing projects. Technological partnerships, international cooperation. How to create good legislation for nuclear power? Good examples from abroad.

Nuclear power – time for execution

Poland’s first nuclear power plant. The schedule and system requirements, preparations, progress, and key challenges. Nuclear dilemmas: how to finance the largest project in the history of Poland’s energy sector? Local content – the readiness of Polish companies to take part in the programme. The surrounding framework: technical supervision, protection and safety, workforce, maintenance, fuel, logistics, and waste management.

Nuclear energy tailored to scale

SMRs and MMRs – small and microreactors as an opportunity for effective industrial decarbonisation. Technological readiness, safety, available funding, entities interested in investments. When can the commercialisation of “small” reactor technology realistically happen, and what factors will determine its success?

Nuclear local content

How can the participation of companies in Poland’s nuclear programme be ensured? Are Polish companies capable of building and maintaining the country’s nuclear power infrastructure? Organisational readiness. A pioneering project to establish a nuclear pool in Poland. Ambitions and opportunities – could Poland become the nuclear hub of the region? Nuclear workforce and specialisations – needed here and now.


Biogas and biomethane – their potential and role in Poland’s energy mix. The biogas segment in key documents, programmes, and strategies. The biogas and biomethane market in Poland. Interest from the agri-food sector in developing biogas plants. Growing interest in the Polish market from international entities. Barriers to the sector’s development: regulations, access to technology, financing, and public resistance.

Eco-friendly heat

Transformation and revolution: district heating in its new, eco-friendly form – where do we stand? The goals and pace of decarbonising the heating sector, current initiatives, and a variety of possible scenarios. Electrification of the sector – opportunities, risks, and challenges. Are heating companies financially ready to invest? Does the sector’s regulatory framework need reform?

Energy storage

Investments in energy storage. Available technologies, costs, and the conditions for profitable investments. Stored energy in Poland’s power system: current capabilities, needs, and future goals. Energy storage facilities as integral components of energy networks. Should distribution system operators develop their own storage capacities?

Distributed energy 2.0

Distributed energy in Poland’s energy policy – its role in the energy transition and strengthening energy security. Centralised systems versus distributed generation: investment and distribution costs, regulatory possibilities, and economic and environmental efficiency. Who is investing in their own energy sources? Local governments, industry, businesses, local heating systems, and biogas plants in rural areas. The current state and target role of distributed generation in the power system. How can the transmission and distribution systems adapt to incorporate distributed energy sources? Investment and maintenance costs versus the benefits. Local energy systems. The diverse landscape of energy communities – energy clusters, cooperatives, collective prosumers, and citizen-led energy initiatives.

Hydrogen in economic transition

The European and Polish hydrogen strategies, and planned legal regulations. Decentralised or European-wide: how to build a hydrogen market? Hydrogen valleys – driving regional development. Infrastructure: transmission, storage, and distribution. Grey, green, purple, or perhaps white – exploring the whole colour spectrum of hydrogen. Financing hydrogen investments.

Hydrogen – technologies and applications

Mobility, energy, and industry – key areas for hydrogen use. Technologies and potential across various economic sectors. Can hydrogen become the fuel of the future for a decarbonising transport sector? Infrastructure challenges. Hydrogen on Polish roads: zero-emission heavy goods vehicles – from vision to reality. The hydrogen vehicle market. Hydrogen as a means of energy storage and an opportunity for decarbonising district heating. Hydrogen-powered cities – exemplary projects. The chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, steel, and food industries exploring the hydrogen opportunity. Technological, financial, and regulatory challenges. How to access EU funding?

The fuel market in transition

The fuel mix in Poland over the next 10 to 30 years. The scale and directions of crude oil imports in the coming years. What comes after oil? Electromobility, synthetic fuels, hydrogen? New technologies and future prospects. Green refineries – the future and development directions of the industry in the face of climate challenges. Logistics, infrastructure, and investments in response to transformative challenges and the need to ensure security. The fuel station of the future – new formats, key investments, and shifting dynamics in Poland’s fuel station market. The mobility revolution and its impact on the fuel market.

The bruised energy market

Energy prices for households. The role and significance of regulated prices. Energy prices for businesses. Business models for energy procurement. Contracts with dynamic energy pricing. The scale of shut-downs and the costs of non-market redispatching of renewable energy sources. Accountability and settlements for unproduced energy. Where are we heading? What kind of energy market do the generation and distribution sector, the economy, and consumers need?

Digitalisation of the Energy Sector

A pivotal initiative for Poland’s energy industry: The Central Energy Market Information System (CSIRE) – how is it supposed to work? The current plan for implementing the system. Scope of entities involved, functionality, and conditions for launch. Costs and benefits for energy market participants. Which areas is the energy distribution segment investing in? Automation and information technology.

Energy in rural areas

Renewable energy generation in agriculture and the food industry. Investments, financing, support, technologies, and social acceptance. Biogas plants – an untapped potential. Where are the barriers? Energy from solar and wind sources. Biorefineries – the concept of a circular economy in the food industry.


Digital roadmap for Poland

The digital agenda for Europe and Poland’s presidency. The State Digitalisation Strategy: diagnosis, vision, and implementation. Cybersecurity, future competencies, and electronic communication – key areas of the digital strategy. The roles of the state and business in its execution. Digital Poland – development-focused ICT investments in the public sector.

Cybersecurity in business

Cyber threats faced by Polish companies. IT infrastructure security and digital business resilience. Protecting sensitive company data – do businesses fully understand the gravity of the issue? The scale of potential losses versus spending on cybersecurity. Do regulations adequately address the evolving nature of threats? Systemic regulations and requirements for companies – balancing economic freedom with the competitiveness of the European economy. Raising awareness among management and staff; standards, tools, services, and preventive measures. White-collar cybercriminals – the internal threat of data leaks.


Cloud-first – the foundation of digital transformation. Cloud solutions driving growth. Secure, flexible, scalable, and... what cloud tools does business expect? Implementation, maintenance costs, and adaptability to individual needs – including for smaller companies. Is it time for AI Cloud? Cloud services as the infrastructure for harnessing artificial intelligence.

Digital security of the state

Critical infrastructure: how to protect existing systems, modernise them, and build greater resilience? Risks stemming from import/dependency on advanced technologies and components. Disinformation. Hybrid warfare. The digital component of Poland’s Armed Forces. Digital security – priorities for Poland and Europe. The EU Digital Agenda and shaping cyber resilience.

AI: safe and effective use

How is the use of artificial intelligence reshaping the rules of business? How can businesses use AI consciously, effectively, and safely? In what ways are companies utilising AI? Mistakes, overlooked potential, and risks. New regulations on the use of AI in business – overregulation that hinders development or a necessary step?

AI in practice: opportunities, advantages, risks

The sectors that stand to benefit the most from integrating AI into business – from healthcare and financial management to business process outsourcing (BPO) and e-commerce. Competitive advantage and cost efficiency versus social costs. How does Poland’s economy compare to the rest of the world in terms of AI adoption? What is needed for effective “collaboration” with AI in a company? Are we capable of successfully building digital competencies?

AI: creators and consumers

Young, innovative businesses and the commercial use of AI-driven tools. Where do we stand, what are our strengths, and how effective are we? Do Polish companies still have a chance to play a significant role in the emerging technology market, or will they remain consumers or exporters of services? In which specialisations or niches can Poland make a meaningful impact? The AI market in Poland? What conditions are necessary to unlock its potential: funding, support, and collaboration?

Smart Poland

Where do Poland’s economy and science stand in the race to commercialise AI-driven innovations? Artificial intelligence in Polish companies. Initial experiences, workforce, and competencies. Which digital technologies can provide new competitive advantages? How can Poland leverage its “leapfrogging” to make a spectacular leap into the digital future? Policy for the development of artificial intelligence – how can the state support the growth and utilisation of artificial intelligence?

Manufacturing 5.0 in Poland

The pillars of Industry 5.0: technology, environmentally conscious approaches, human-centricity, and resilience to crises. Is it merely a concept from administrators and theorists, or a widespread business trend? Accelerators and barriers. What is happening around the world? Automation and robotics in a new form – can we skip the Industry 4.0 stage? Importing ideas. The role of the state and competition. The challenge of workforce and education.

IT competencies for sale

The Polish software house market – its potential, business models, and vision for growth. A major exporter of services or talent? Market position, its role in the Polish and global economy, and brand recognition. Is this the direction we want to take? How can we reach the next level?


Central Europe: neighbours in challenging times

The economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) facing current macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges. Shared characteristics and key differences. Cooperation and competition. Dependence on technology, exports, and the condition of Europe’s largest Western economies. National models, strategies, and tactics to maintain economic security and competitiveness. Promising areas, differences, challenges, expected benefits, examples, and lessons learned. Infrastructure, energy security, and a unified voice in the EU. The prospect of enlargement to include Southeast European countries – collaboration on the path to accession.

Economic cooperation forums

  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Taiwan
  • Romania
  • Czech Republic
  • Scandinavia
  • Africa
  • Germany

Polish businesses in the world

Traditional and emerging directions for the international expansion of Polish companies. Experiences of Polish businesses pursuing a global expansion strategy and investing in remote markets – even in a difficult, unstable environment and under intense competition. The anatomy of success, risk mapping, and tough decision-making. Warnings, recommendations, and key takeaways.

Financing international expansion

Stable, long-term investment financing for overseas projects of Polish companies and/or their foreign subsidiaries. Project finance, acquisition financing, and other forms of credit for international business ventures. Financial support for exports. The role of insurance institutions. Types of collateral, risk assessment and mitigation, know-how, and insights into the realities of distant markets.

Economic diplomacy

Is Polish economic diplomacy an effective support tool for Polish companies? The quality and state of economic diplomacy from the perspective of entrepreneurs and decision-makers. Examples of support for Polish companies and interventions in cases of discrimination. Promoting Polish businesses: the reality versus expectations. Shaping the narrative around Poland’s investment environment to encourage potential international business partnerships with Polish entities.

Development aid

Support provided by mature economies to developing countries. The scale and directions of Official Development Assistance (ODA), and the role of the EU and its member states. The effectiveness of aid, benefits for recipients and donors, the role of responsible business, and existing barriers. The programme, objectives, and priorities of Poland’s development cooperation efforts.



The actual scale and scope of the phenomenon. Is bringing production closer to consumers an opportunity for Europe, particularly Central Europe? Can Poland, with its current level of investment attractiveness, position itself as a beneficiary of the nearshoring process? Poland as a support hub and a potential contributor to Ukraine’s future reconstruction. Which industries and to what extent could benefit from nearshoring? Tariffs and other tools for protecting the EU market as incentives for foreign investors.

Europe’s defence industry

Manufacturing capacity and deterrence potential – how the structure of production in Europe is evolving, or should evolve, in the context of military threats. Defence investments in Poland and Europe – announcements and budgets. European cooperation instead of competition. The role of industry and production carried out within Europe. How can domestic (European) defence production be supported? Industries under special protection.

Production, defence, security

Which sectors should we invest in to enhance the security of Poland and the EU? Dual-use production. Local content in defence manufacturing. Developing proprietary advanced technologies for the military. How can the Polish defence industry become more competitive? Requirements for subcontractors and suppliers, security and certification matters. Relations between procurers and contractors in tenders for the army: issues with insufficient information, suspended, or cancelled procurement processes.

Investments in security

Announcements and implementation of investments in the defence sector and broadly defined physical security within the EU and Poland. The European missile defence system[MG1] . Polish specialities, domestic companies as subcontractors for major players, and offset agreements. Secure infrastructure and necessary investments. Cybersecurity and resilient critical infrastructure

Infrastructure and defence

Investments in defence infrastructure. The “East Shield” – what benefits could its development bring to local governments? Shelters and protective structures, barriers and fortifications, modernisation of existing roads, bridges, and other infrastructure facilities. What changes will the Civil Defence Act introduce? Protection of critical infrastructure from a military perspective. 

Automotive at a crossroads

European car manufacturing: electrification or slowdown? Declining demand and disrupted trends – time to draw conclusions. Emission standards, bans on internal combustion engine vehicle production, synthetic fuels, and other contentious issues. Competition from the Chinese automotive industry: are customs tariffs necessary and effective? The automotive sector in adaptation phase. 

Steel industry

The current situation, competitiveness, and prospects of the European steel sector. Can the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) help or harm the industry? The role of domestic (European) steel production in defence manufacturing and the development of new, resilient infrastructure. Zero-emission steel? How far are we from achieving this goal?

Chemical industry

The condition of the Polish and European chemical sectors and markets. Industry giants and their plans. Suspended investments – what’s next? The factors affecting chemical production in Europe: competition and imports, raw materials supply, costs, access to renewable energy, and the loss of skilled professionals. Regulatory and consumer pressure: time for eco-friendly chemicals. Chemicals and their role in food and military security – can we afford to give up domestic production? Relocation of plants outside the EU – what could stop this trend?

Energy-intensive, essential, active

Energy-intensive sectors of the economy play a vital role in fostering economic independence and contributing to security and resilience. The growing pressure of energy prices and climate regulations. Awareness of the challenges and actions aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, producing renewable energy, and improving energy efficiency. Metallurgy industry, the cement industry, and examples from other sectors. Forms of support for energy-intensive industries in Europe and Poland after the expiration of previous regulations. Do we need a national decarbonisation programme?


Investments: change and continuity

The transport system we aim to achieve. What are we missing to consider the country’s transport system fully functional? Current priorities, ongoing projects, and those in preparation. A new and important context: infrastructure, geopolitics, and security. Flagship infrastructure projects – their purpose, cost, and timeline. The Central Transport Hub (CPK) and regional aviation infrastructure. Railways, roads, and seaports. Tenders, indexation, competition, and execution capacity. Financing infrastructure projects through the end of the decade. EU funding, domestic resources, and key programmes.

Mega-airport: yes, but in a different way

Can we fully finance the CPK airport project? CPK within the TEN-T network – what about EU funding? The involvement of Polish design and construction firms in CPK projects. The potential and actual role of the mega-airport in the national transport structure. The impact of the investment on the economy and its growth potential.

Aviation in Poland

A strategy for the aviation industry – key assumptions and its potential market impact. Prospects for the development of the aviation industry and airport infrastructure in Poland. The mega-airport revisited. Investments in regional airports. Is it time for cargo? What can be done to increase the volume of air freight handled in Poland? The role of major operators in driving market growth.

Schengen, logistics, Europe

The future of the Schengen area and its impact on logistics and economic activity in Europe. Experiences in various transport sectors related to the ability to move across Europe without border controls. How would the “re-establishment” of borders affect transport companies and the level of integration among EU economies? Areas of potential disruption: railway interoperability, road and water networks, intermodal transport logistics, and more broadly: the exchange of goods and services, freedom of movement, and the costs of conducting international business.

Railways in Poland and Europe

Key trends shaping the future of European railways: zero emissions and digitalisation. How does the Polish railway system compare, and what does its future look like? Investments and modernisation in railway infrastructure and rolling stock, as well as new technologies supporting zero emissions – among European operators and on the Polish market.


The end of significant growth in cargo handling. Causes, effects, and future outlook. Investment plans for Polish ports. How much overcapacity should ports have? The end of inland ports? Port real estate in a new light. Changes in supply chains – which are lasting and which are temporary? Ports as energy hubs for a modern, low-emission economy. The security of ports in times of heightened geopolitical tensions worldwide.


The main barriers to changing drive systems in Poland – regulations, finances, or an unstable market? Do we have a chance to implement the new law that will accelerate the reduction of the carbon footprint in transport (AFIR directive) in time? How should public procurement support the electromobility market? Is electromobility infrastructure on the verge of a boom? The issue of connections in the TEN-T road network. The rapid development of charging technologies. Smart charging as a stabiliser for the power system.


Local government finances

Amendment to the Act on Revenues of Local Government Units – a compromise under time pressure. Conclusions after the first months of the new regulations – who gained, who lost? The target model for financing local governments – where are we heading?

Waste, resources, and raw materials in a circular economy

Is it time to reform the waste management system? Are we ready to pay based on the amount of waste collected? The deposit refund scheme delayed – when will extended producer responsibility (EPR) come into effect? Technologies supporting the green transformation of the economy – their application at the local level. Managing biowaste (biogas plants, biomethane). Challenges with investments – social resistance and legal solutions.


Municipal assets and historical buildings in city centres. Protecting and revitalising monuments as a catalyst for local development. Examples of investments in monument restoration that contribute to tourism growth and development of local communities. How can funding for monument renovation boost the economy of a region, create jobs, and attract investors? The necessity of thermal modernisation – costs, building conditions, energy consumption… When is it worthwhile to invest, and what factors should be considered? EU funding for revitalisation.

Tourism and the market

The tourism services market – its potential and impact on the economy, economic trends, local governments, and the labour market. The MICE sector – potential and future outlook. Shaping tourism offers based on natural resources. How to develop an appealing product that aligns with current trends and preferences? How to sustainably develop cultural tourism without damaging the delicate structures of historic cities and UNESCO heritage sites? Best practices in preserving cultural sites while balancing tourism interests and environmental protection.

Eastern Poland 2.0

What new developmental stimuli does Eastern Poland need in the current situation? The consequences of the war for local governments in Eastern Poland. Economic impacts: the collapse of tourism, concerns among entrepreneurs and investors. Loss of revenue for local governments and the deterioration of public service quality. Could investments in security become an opportunity for development? What long-term solutions could or should stimulate investment in the region? Eastern Poland as a support base for Ukraine’s future reconstruction – how can the region prepare? What can be done right now?

Urban transport

What should urban transport look like in the future? What are cities investing in, and what are their priorities? Smart solutions and digitalisation in public transport and new mobility. The current progress in building infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. Hydrogen propulsion – experiences of some cities in its use, actual costs versus initial estimates. EU regulations on electromobility and phasing out combustion engine vehicles.

City, climate, air

Adapting to the effects of climate change in local development policies and day-to-day urban management. Initiatives by city governments aimed at reducing low-stack emissions – cooperation with businesses. Benefits for residents, communities, and housing cooperatives. Energy-independent local governments: distributed energy sources, clusters, energy from wastewater, and geothermal energy. Examples of well-functioning projects involving collaboration of government with businesses. Engaging residents and NGOs in action. Clean transport zones. Sustainable mobility. The “Clean Air” programme – a case of broken promises? Digital solutions for the climate.

Demographics and depopulation

How to prevent cities and regions from becoming depopulated. What tools do local governments have at their disposal? The consequences of demographic trends and depopulation: increasing social care costs, the need to adapt infrastructure to an ageing society, and labour shortages. In the absence of systemic solutions at the national level, could local migration policies and integration programmes be the answer? What makes a city attractive – strategies for retaining and attracting young residents. Mid-sized cities as an alternative to metropolises – how to leverage their strengths?

Water resources

Drought and flooding – water resources and threats. How to minimise the effects of climate change in water resource management and flood protection. Water quality and availability – crisis, outlook, preventive measures, long-term actions, and investments. Retention and safety. Necessary changes in infrastructure.


VC and PE funds

Venture capital and private equity initiatives in Europe and Poland. Their role in the economy (and its transformation), achievements, and experiences. How has the VC and PE market in Poland evolved, and what is its current condition? The European and global ambitions of Polish private funds. From fintech to miltech – will security concerns dominate funds’ strategies? What do they see as the future of investment – the most promising segments, sectors, and regions. The resilience of PE and VC in turbulent times.

Financing innovation

How to effectively finance innovative businesses? Publicly funded institutions – operating models and experiences in collaborating with businesses. What are VC funds looking for in the market, and what do start-ups offer? How to minimise risk? Where to find capital amid high credit costs and strict stock market requirements? Examples of Polish unicorns – what made them successful? Business angels – who are they, how to meet them, and what drives them?

EU funds for Poland

Funds available through EU programmes. What makes for a good investment? Amounts and methodology. Conditions and principles. Accumulation and risks. European funds 2021–2027 – how to prepare for using funds from the new EU budget perspective? Businesses and local governments racing for funding.

Investments, deficit, growth

How do public finances shape the level of investment and the prospects for economic growth? Cuts in spending, limitations, and rationalisations . Where can savings be found? Investments as an engine for growth – what qualifies as development-oriented?

Capital markets

The Warsaw Stock Exchange in the context of the European market and global trends. A single capital market in Europe? Goals, risks, and controversies. Young, promising companies and mature organisations on the WSE – what are their expectations? Is the Polish stock exchange overregulated? The desired functions of the WSE from the perspective of the Polish economy – what changes are needed for the exchange to fulfil them better?

Banking and ESG

The banking sector as a partner for businesses in implementing ESG requirements. Collaboration and education without pressure and control – is it possible? How does this look in practice? Are banks ready to offer ESG advisory services? Eco-friendly strategies and criteria as opportunities for banks to develop new products, financing forms, and attract talent with relevant skills.

The banking sector

The Polish banking sector in comparison to other EU countries – its evolution and outlook. What can be done to increase its role in financing the economy? Is the Polish banking system overregulated? How might regulations affecting their clients (e.g., ESG reporting) impact banks? The tax burden on Polish banks – is there a chance (or a need) for easing it? New investors, the effects of re-Polonisation, and the potential for further consolidation.

The euro: what’s next?

Has the process of adopting the single European currency permanently stalled? Are we (Poland, and Central Europe) ready for a public debate on the euro that prioritises reasoned arguments over emotions? The eurozone as a source of security in uncertain times.

The future of finance

Evolving consumer needs and behaviours in the financial services market as a driver of change. Being a leader – what’s next? How is the digital transformation of the financial sector going? Fintechs and traditional banking – are these categories now outdated? Digital money and smart banking. Online payments in traditional retail and e-commerce. Security and cyber threats. Blockchain – an opportunity or a risk?


Polish take on succession

An increasing number of large companies left “orphaned” – a challenge for both Poland and Europe. The complexities of planning a succession process in Poland. Best practices in the country (a Polish succession model?) and experiences of entrepreneurs from around the world. What to avoid: pitfalls, mistakes, and dead ends. Family foundations, family constitutions, and unconventional solutions in the absence of a successor. Between continuity and change: how to guide a family business onto new paths without losing its family DNA? How to prepare successors? Or perhaps an investor? VC and PE funds as interim solutions when a successor is unavailable. The role of external mediators, hired managers, and support from financial investors and banks in the succession process

Family foundation

Is the Polish family foundation fulfilling its original purpose – has it captured the interest of Polish family businesses? A comprehensive tool for succession planning – have business expectations been met? The obligations and rights of beneficiaries. Have Polish family foundations initiated the return of capital to the country? Tax aspects of family foundations. Could "clarifying" the regulations on family foundations deter businesses from using this form of running a business? Is the Polish solution still competitive compared to foreign options – solely because of costs?

The state’s participation in companies

State-owned companies – their responsibilities and role in the economy. Which assets should be/remain under state control? “The vital interest of the state” – what does it mean? How to balance obligations to minority shareholders with responsibilities arising from the state’s economic policy goals. Corporate governance in entities with a dominant state shareholding. Staffing: qualifications, recruitment criteria, and stability.


A friendly workplace

How to effectively attract and retain sought-after employees? Employer branding – the process of consciously building an employer’s brand. Non-salary benefits tailored to employee needs. Benefits – which ones and for whom? What do employees expect at different stages of their careers? Work-life balance and well-being as top priorities. Implementing an ESG strategy as an advantage in today’s job market. Other factors that matter: leadership models, organisational culture and maturity, shared values, and company mission. A friendly workplace – what does it mean, and how do you create one?

Migration and labour

Foreign workers in the Polish labour market – their role, challenges, adaptation, and barriers to employment. What does the future hold? Labour market gaps and long-term demographic trends. A new law introducing changes to the rules for employing and bringing in foreigners – a summary of the first months. How to balance state security with access to the Polish labour market for workers in shortage occupations? The urgent need for a migration policy – proposed solutions critical from the labour market perspective.

A community of responsibility

The philanthropic and charitable mission of Polish business. How to be responsible? Polish private businesses have demonstrated the ability to collaborate and create their own aid tools, independent of the government and NGOs. What does the charitable activity of Polish businesses focus on? Best practices. Is helping a source of pride? Not always… Can philanthropy be part of a marketing strategy? Charitable foundations of Polish companies. The role of cooperation with state organisations and institutions. From spontaneous actions to a “philanthropy market”.

Social dialogue

Government-employer relations. Regulations concerning the economy remain outside the scope of dialogue. Employer organisations are still waiting for the government to deliver on promises regarding consultations on legislative changes and adapting the tax system to promote private investment. Is the voice of business not reaching those in power?

Economic education

The state of knowledge about finance, the economy, and business. The benefits of expanding it: for civil society and the labour market. 2024 as the year of economic education – conclusions. Economics in practice; selected projects from the celebrations and the need for systemic education at various levels of the education system. Economic education for adults – the role of social organisations, academia, and business. What roles should NGOs, financial institutions, and local government bodies play in this effort?

Environmental education

Education on sustainable development, climate protection, and green technologies at all levels. Needs, programmes, timelines, and staffing. Where to learn from, who to look up to? Collaboration between schools and organisations. Education through facts – eco-friendly educational institutions. Public funding to transform schools (facilities) themselves into more sustainable spaces (LED lighting, photovoltaics, small-scale water retention).

Education for the economy

Training engineers and workforce for the economy. Does the school prepare students for the professions of the future, what competences should they have, how should they implement them? Who is the business sector looking for, and how does it support education? We train engineers and develop digital skills – but we are neglecting fundamental trades. What happens when we run out of welders, construction workers, and other skilled workers? A plan for developing vocational education and methods to break social stereotypes.

Skills and a just transition

What educational strategies can support the retraining of workers from sectors most affected by change? What vocational and lifelong learning programmes can prepare workers for new roles in the green economy? Forecasts vs. reality – where do we stand, where are we heading, and what lies ahead? Employer expectations, opportunities, and challenges for employees.


The real estate market in Poland and Europe

The commercial real estate market in Poland confronted with major challenges. Developers are halting investments, and some sectors are in decline. Investment activity in the real estate market – Poland compared to Europe, in light of global trends. Sources of real estate financing. Data centres, private rented sectors (PRS), and private dormitories. Which sectors have the best prospects ahead, and which require a new approach? Scenarios for adapting to a changing market – unlocking new opportunities.

Green transformation in the real estate market

At what stage of the green revolution is the real estate and construction market in Poland? What accelerates and what hinders the decarbonisation of real estate and construction? Insights from the Green Buildings Guide report. The green shift in the construction market – how do developers, contractors, and facility managers implement it in practice? The development of sustainable projects, technologies, and materials.

Real estate and domestic capital

Poland’s commercial real estate sector is still waiting for the emergence of local capital. It could fill the gap left by major players who now prefer to invest in countries such as Germany, Italy, or Spain. Is now the right time for REITs?

Efficient buildings

The implementation of the directive on energy efficiency in buildings – its impact on new construction investments. The level of awareness among investors and construction companies. What about existing buildings? Increasing efficiency through revitalisation processes. Artificial intelligence in buildings – managing heat supply and other utilities.

The housing market in Poland

The scale of housing needs in Poland. Government housing programmes – an assessment. Housing development - how to promote and not hinder it? How can the government, local authorities, and developers jointly shape the future of housing? Housing supply, demand, and prices. Housing policy, local community needs, and developer strategies. The potential for developing the institutional rental market. Ownership versus rental housing – which direction to take? How to bridge the housing gap in major cities? Ideas for social and municipal housing. “Safe Mortgage” and the demand boom. Solutions to improve land availability.

Business services market

How the pandemic and now the development of generative AI models impact the BPO/shared services market. Will office buildings in Katowice, Kraków, and Wrocław stand empty? Will artificial intelligence significantly reshape this market, or, on the contrary, provide new tools and opportunities for growth, increase productivity, and enhance competitiveness?

Data centres

The growth prospects of the data centre market driven by increasing demand for digitalisation and data storage. Can Poland become a regional hub for data centres? What opportunities does this create for the real estate sector? How can barriers to accessing stable infrastructure be overcome? Data centres and energy efficiency – how can they be made more eco-friendly?

Design in a new world

The role of contemporary architecture and design in the face of dynamic changes in daily life, the economy, and technology. What kind of world do new generations envision, and how will architects and designers respond? Inspiration or laying the groundwork for a modern economy and social life? How can leaders of creativity influence economic potential by creating products that capture the attention of international markets and investors?

The premium real estate market

Flight to quality: investments in premium and luxury properties – a market that remains resilient. How quickly is interest in such investments growing in European markets? How do we define luxury real estate in Poland? Locations deserving the title of “prestigious addresses”. Which premium segment investments will yield the highest returns? Supply, clients, margins, trends. Polish investments in premium properties abroad.


Trade under pressure

Short vacatio legis – the retail sector caught in a fast-paced stream of changes. What drives the industry, and what holds it back? Declining consumption – causes and forecasts. The impact of regulatory pressure – the consequences of overregulation. Increasing demands on retailers versus maintaining affordable prices for consumers. Sensitive issues: alcohol sales, food waste, the deposit refund scheme, and the labour market.

New consumption, new consumer

A time of change: a new era of consumption and the consumer. Green challenges impose increasing restrictions on consumption. E-commerce and online shopping as a lasting yet evolving trend. The shopping experience of tomorrow: balancing convenience with climate awareness. New generations of consumers and creative responses from the retail sector. The trade industry responds to a demographic tsunami. Eco-designing products and... customer purchasing behaviours.

Trade and technology

Technological challenges in the retail sector. Systems, applications, delivery under the supervision of artificial intelligence. Just one click – secure and fast payments. Properly understood data, precisely programmed logistics.

E-commerce in a new era

E-commerce in the age of Big Tech dominance. Innovations driven by artificial intelligence. Rising costs of online advertising, courier services, and increasing consumer protection standards. Mobile apps as the leading sales channels, with growing demands for safeguarding consumer rights. Fast payments as a key driver of sales. Scenarios for market development. Europe and Asia – collaboration or competition?


Fair transition on rural areas

The conditionality of agricultural production and public goods provided by farmers. What changes are needed to minimise agriculture’s impact on the climate while ensuring a fair distribution of benefits. What support mechanisms can help farmers make their farms more sustainable and efficient? What do we know about agricultural production and its impact on climate change? Consumer awareness and farmers’ knowledge.

Polish agriculture on the brink of transformation

Environmental goals in agricultural production. Consumer awareness, nutritional perspectives, EU integration, and sustainable farming. Payments for delivering public goods: climate and environmental protection. Agriculture within the ETS system. Agriculture and the processing sector in the face of the EUDR. Effective implementation and quantifiability of environmental goals. Environmental reporting (ESG) in agricultural production. New genomic techniques and science for sustainable agriculture.

Food security

Who will feed Europe and the world? Trade wars and their impact on the food market. Can Ukraine feed Europe? EU agricultural policy and strategies for the food industry. The outlook for livestock production in light of climate policy goals and EU regulations.

Polish food on foreign markets

Quality over price. Polish food brands abroad. Expansion directions for Polish food producers – current state and potential. Investments by Polish companies abroad. A strategy for Polish food exporters in light of Ukraine’s EU accession. Retail chains as catalysts for Polish food exports.

The green food industry

Sustainable investments in food production. Decarbonisation of food production. Regenerative agriculture. Biogas and photovoltaics in production facilities. Animal welfare. SUP, EPR, and the deposit refund scheme since 2025 – initial insights and further demands from the food industry. What can replace plastic in food packaging?


Luxury and the market

The luxury goods market in Poland – its characteristics and value compared to Europe and the world. How is this sector developing in Poland, and what does it reveal about the Polish economy, societal changes, and Poland’s place in Europe. The preferences and expectations of the wealthiest social group. What defines luxury in Poland? How do the wealthy invest and consume? Premium real estate, art, cars, tourism. Trends in the luxury sector: experience-based goods, growing emphasis on quality of life, and “no-logo” personalisation.

Culture and business

Collaboration between business and culture – joint initiatives and unconventional ideas. Values and benefits for companies, investors, institutions, and artists. Patronage – what does it mean today? The boundary between culture and business that should not be crossed.

The art market in Poland and worldwide

The condition of the art market, trends, and forecasts. Support for Polish artists on global art markets.

Passion, culture, sport

Inspiring conversations about passions, achievements, and personal growth with figures from the worlds of business, culture, art, and sport. Themes: success in sports and extreme activities and its cost; building a business “unicorn”; prestige, style, and quality of life; culture, including culinary culture; art and investments; stage, beauty, personality; and travel with added value.

Sport, business, local government

The conditions for effective promotion of brands and products through sport. Modern clubs as globally oriented enterprises. How to invest in sports? Sport as a driver of the economy and local development? Local governments owning clubs – a burden or an opportunity? Sponsoring clubs or supporting entire disciplines? Public funding – for professional or amateur sports?


Health presidency in its final stages

A summary of presidency actions – key achievements and future plans. Healthcare systems and their resilience to crises. Digitalisation and the protection of health data. Poland as a leader in the region and the EU. A global health perspective – the EU’s role as a leader in global health.

Drug policy

The EU pharmaceutical package – its impact on the medicine market and Europe’s health policy. Europe’s pharmaceutical security – the path to sovereignty. Poland’s role in shaping the EU’s pharmaceutical policy. Legal frameworks and financial support for the development of the European pharmaceutical sector

Hospital reform and the National Recovery Plan (KPO)

The long-term impact of hospital reform on Poland’s healthcare system. The National Recovery Plan and its effects on the healthcare sector. The role of local governments and institutions in implementing hospital reforms. The development of healthcare infrastructure under the KPO framework..

Healthcare financing

Financial challenges in healthcare – the current state and future needs. Healthcare financing models. The role of local governments and communities in funding healthcare. The state budget and healthcare expenditure – challenges for the government and public finances. Cost management in healthcare – efficiency and transparency. The role of business and the private sector in healthcare financing.

Innovations in healthcare

Criteria for reimbursing innovative solutions in healthcare. The State Digitalisation Strategy and the introduction of innovations into the healthcare system. New therapies and biotechnology – the future of treating chronic and lifestyle diseases. The role of start-ups in advancing healthcare innovations. Digitalisation of the healthcare system. Accessibility and financing of innovative therapies. The future of innovation in healthcare.

Women’s health security

An overview of women’s health in Poland – insights from the “Women’s Health Report”. Key health issues affecting women. Reproductive health and maternal and child care. Women’s mental health and its impact on professional and family life. Legal protection for female patients. The role of non-governmental organisations and social initiatives. Practical solutions and recommendations – improving the healthcare system for women..

Public health and lifestyle diseases

The scale and impact of lifestyle diseases in Poland and Europe. Lifestyle as a key risk factor – prevention and health education. The role of local governments and communities in promoting public health. Lifestyle diseases and their effects on health. Innovations and technologies in prevention and treatment. The role of health and financial policies..


Investor without Borders 2025 Gala

The next edition of awards recognising the most effective Polish investors expanding abroad and active, responsible foreign investors in Poland who contribute to positive changes in the economy and the labour market.

Presentations of the EEC Startup Challenge 2025 finalists

Presentations of the most interesting solutions entered in 1 of the 5 categories of the competition for the most innovative product, technology, business model or optimised existing process. Winners in each category will receive the title of “Startup Challenge Winner”.

TOP Municipal Investments 2025 Gala

Prestigious awards for the best investments in Poland. A recurring initiative that highlights best investment practices and recognises those who have achieved success through bold, forward-thinking decisions.

Awards gala for the best startups in the EEC Startup Challenge 2025

Distinctions for the most interesting solutions entered in 1 of the 5 categories of the competition for the most innovative product, technology, business model or optimised existing process.

Banquets, concerts, networking

Evening banquets, concerts, and networking events are an integral part of the Congress, providing enjoyable moments for guests of the European Economic Congress each year. These gatherings offer the perfect setting for informal discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.


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