European Economic Congress

The European Economic Congress is a forum of debate on Polish and European economic prospects. Its agenda is hammered out in dialogue with people with exceptional skills and knowledge, hailing from many different communities.

We want to open a broader debate: feel free to send in topics, issues or problems you’d like to see addressed. The content and quality of the largest business event in our part of Europe is up to you!

In recent times, we have witnessed an accumulation of factors that fuel uncertainty and instability: from global and national politics, through the macroeconomic situation and business conditions, all the way up to social issues and tech development. 

Together, we are committed to making sure the agenda of the 17th EEC includes all that matters most for our future. Please, send in your suggestions of themes and ideas: anything you find important, interesting or controversial.

We invite you to submit ideas and topics - important, interesting, controversial.

Please be advised that the personal data entered in the form below will be processed only in the scope of presenting the theme proposals, no longer than until the date of the end of the event to which they relate. In other respects, the terms of the Privacy Policy apply to data related to visiting our websites.

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