Presentation of finalists of the “Start-up Challenge” contest

26 April 2022 • 15:30-17:00 • Ballroom C

Session partner

Thematic scope

Awards for the most interesting solutions submitted in one of the five industry-specific categories of the competition for an innovative product, technology, business model or optimised process. The winners of their categories will be awarded with the title of “Start-up Challenge Winner”.

15.30-16.15 Presentations in the following category: BUSINESS PROCESSES – Management, business intelligence, ICT, cybersecurity, logistics, and HR

16.15-17.00 Start-ups under development. The stages of development: many forms of organisational progress. Tools and technologies. The ecosystem of support. Illusions on the road to success. Mentoring as support in a process of expansion. Implementation of innovations. New business ideas in practice.

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