European Economic Congress 2023

This year, like a year ago, the European Forum of Young Leaders will accompany the European Economic Congress scheduled for 24-26 April 2023 in Katowice. The event will be attended by 250 young activists from all over Europe as well as students of local universities, entrepreneurs and participants of the EEC.

Aiming to attract young leaders – the youth, students and activists familiar with participating in public life, civic involvement and acting to the benefit of European public space – the conference will ponder the question of what motivates, and discourages, young people.

The mission of the Forum is to provide space for youth activists from European member states, Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership and Poland, willing to share their experience, establish relationships and discuss subjects that matter to young people all over Europe.

The Forum will address the following subjects: 

  • Education for the Future (Science and Development),
  • Jobs of the Future,
  • Civic Involvement.

The European Commission declared the year 2023 “the European Year of Skills”. In September Poland will host Gdańsk EuroSkills 2023, the largest event devoted to improving professional skills in Europe. Since it is our ambition to follow the agenda of the European Union, the European Forum of Young Leaders will introduce Gdańsk EuroSkills 2023 and present the best solutions in the area of education, vocational training, as well as cooperation between technical education institutions, business, and local government. Emphasis will also be put on the development of professional skills and soft competences.

We want to convince young active leaders that voluntary work and involvement in civic initiatives yield benefits for communities across Europe, at the same time increasing young people’s prospects of employment in Poland or abroad. Once again we want to highlight that the strength of Europe comes from its youth to whom participation in the Erasmus+ programme is the gateway to career. 

The European Forum of Young Leaders is organized by: The Foundation for the Development of Education and the PTWP Group, organiser of the European Economic Congress.


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