A different Europe in a different world
MORE • SPEAKERSA new plan for Europe is needed – the ‘status quo’ no longer works. Political transformations in Europe are inching towards populism and isolationism – what is their impact on business conditions? What does the European option associated with the free market in the economy and democracy in politics have to offer? The economy in Europe after Brexit. Repercussions for economic exchanges, the European job market and finance. Likelihood of other exits – a deterrent effect? Possible changes in European cohesion policy (budget reduction and a greater orientation towards competition). A two-speed Europe: Is it a scenario in the making? The new role and position of the euro area. What about the countries of ‘inferior speed’? The countries of Central Europe in view of internal transformations of the European Union.
Position: Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Parliament in the years 2009–2012, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in the years 1997–2001, Chairman of the Programme Board of the EEC
Position: President, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
Position: Prime Minister of the Czech Republic in 2009-2010
Position: Prime Minister of Lithuania in the years 1999-2000 and 2008-2012
Position: Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The exhaustion of current drivers of economic growth. The knowledge-based economy and the European development model. Reindustrialisation – in theory and practice. Modern industry as a foundation for development – towards European specialisations. How is value created in the economy today? The international division of labour and the world superpowers in the light of technological progress. Facets of innovation – the importance of the R&D sector in European industry. How to fund and sell it, or innovations in the market. Digitisation of the economy – opportunities and pitfalls. Information and big data management as a challenge for business, administration and citizenship. Cyberthreats – prevention is better than cure.
Position: Vice-President of Global Government Affairs, Huawei
Position: CEO, Start-Up Nation Central
Position: Managing Director, PZL-Świdnik SA Communication Equipment Factory
Position: Chief Economist, Microsoft Corporation
Position: Member of the Board, Siemens s
Position: Editor-in-chief, Wprost
Position: Member of the Management Board, Microsoft
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Development Fund
Position: Partner, PwC
Position: Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development
Position: Counsel, DLA Piper
Position: Deputy Chairman, Tauron Polska Energia SA
Position: Treasurer of the City of Gdańsk
Position: Expert, Unia Metropolii Polskich
Position: Treasurer of the City of Kraków
Position: Treasurer of Katowice, Chairperson of the Commission of City Treasurers, Union of Polish Metropolises
Position: Treasurer of the City of Białystok
Position: Treasurer of the City of Szczecin
Position: Treasurer of Lodz
Position: Treasurer of the City of Poznań
Position: Treasurer of the City of Lublin
Position: Treasurer of the City of Bydgoszcz
Position: Treasurer of the City of Wrocław
Do we need to save capitalism from itself? An attempt at a diagnosis. Economic liberalism is subject to a crossfire of criticism. If not economic freedom and the market, then what? Growth, yes, but not at all costs – in search of balance. Sustainable development in a new context. The economy’s social responsibility: environment, healthcare, ethics. Migration, crises and the European job market. New answers to the old question: how much state intervention in the economy? The state as a regulator and creator of economic policy, company owner and investor – what does the free market say?
Position: Chairman of the Board, ING Bank Śląski SA
Position: Owner, Capital Group Multico
Position: Chairman of the Board, Griffin Real Estate Sp. z o.o.
Position: Member of the Monetary Policy Council (RPP), National Bank of Poland
Position: Managing Director, Polityka INSIGHT
Position: Founder, WIOSNA Association, Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Parcel)
Position: Deputy Marshal of Opole Voivodeship
Position: Expert, Lesław A. Paga Foundation
Position: Vice President, Pracodawcy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Employers of Poland)
Position: Director, Silesian Regional Branch, Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund)
Position: CEO, Szpital Kliniczny Przemienienia Pańskiego (University Hospital of Lord’s Transfiguration), Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu (Poznań University of Medical Sciences)
Position: acting Deputy Health Care Director, Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny nr 7 (Independent Public Research and Teaching Hospital No. 7), Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Górnośląskie Centrum Medyczne im. prof. Leszka Gieca (Professor Leszek Giec Upper Silesian Medical Centre in Katowice)
Position: Deputy Chairman, Związek Szpitali Powiatowych Województwa Śląskiego (Association of District Hospitals of the Silesian Voivodeship
Position: Deputy Editor-in-chief, Rynek Zdrowia
Position: Managing Director, Chairman of the Board, Chief Investment Officer, MCI Capital SA
Position: Deputy chairman of the supervisory board, Work Service SA
Position: Director of the Innovation Center, ING Bank Śląski SA
Position: Deputy Editor-in-Chief, ‘Puls Biznesu’ Magazine
Position: Vice-President for Development, PGNiG SA
Position: Innovation Development Director, Polski Fundusz Rozwoju SA (Polish Development Fund)
Position: Vice President of the Board, Lodz Special Economic Zone
Position: Chairman of the Board, Business Link Poland
Poland - Kazakhstan Economic Meetings
SPEAKERSPosition: Vice-president, KTZ Express
Position: Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Georgia in the years 2013–2016, Department of Economic Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
Position: Vice-President, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)
Position: CSE BD Tax Leader, EY
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polsko-Kazachstańska Izba Handlowo-Przemysłowa (Polish-Kazakhstani Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Position: Managing Director, Astana International Financial Center
Position: Chairman, DAMU Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC
The 4th Africa - Central Europe Economic Co-operation Forum
SPEAKERSPosition: Deputy Director, Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
Position: Member of the Board, Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu SA (Polish Investment and Trade Agency – PAIH)
Position: Group Head of Construction & Delivery, RENDEAVOUR Africa’s Urban Developper
Position: Vice President of the Management Board, Ursus SA
Position: President, Polish-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Position: Principal Secretary, Ministry of Mining, Kenya
Position: CEO, The Pietrucha Group
Position: Journalist, Nowy Przemysł (New Industry, economic magazine), wnp.pl
Position: President, Poland – East Africa Economic Foundation (PEAEF)
Presentation of the strategy employed by Polska Grupa Górnicza ('Polish Mining Group')
SPEAKERSWork, workers and the hierarchy of values in the economy. Man is most important – from catchphrase to management. Brain potential, i.e. human resources in the European economies. Qualifications determine development prospects.
Disproportion, internal diversification and the openness of the European job market. Migration, the brain drain, competition for the most talented. How are the technologies of the future changing private and professional lives? XYZ, or a new generation of workers – an asset or a liability? Changes in national education systems in the light of employer expectations. How to educate for the market in an era of constant change? Social capital, a deficit good.
Position: Vice-president of the Management Board, Impel S.A.
Position: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education
Position: Parter, Firma Doradcza Bridge Sp. z o.o
Position: Member of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), Minister of Labour and Social Policy in 2011-2015, Poland
Position: Chairman of the Board, Nowy Styl Group
Position: Chief Economist, Microsoft Corporation
Position: Chairman of the Board, Work Service SA
The Poland – India Economic Forum
SPEAKERSPosition: Chairman of the Board, West Bengal Power Development Corporation LTd.
Position: Ambassador of India in Poland
Position: CSE BD Tax Leader, EY
Position: Vice-Chancellor, University of Calcutta
Position: General Counsel, Department of International Co-operation, Ministry of Economic Development, Poland
Position: Member of the Board, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Śląskiego (Marshal's Office of the Silesian Voivodeship)
Position: Principal Secretary, Department of Power & Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Government of West Bengal
Position: Chairman of the Board, Bolix SA
Position: General Manager & Regional Director, Coal India Limited
Position: Chairman of the Board, Indo Polish Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Position: Counsellor, Department of Economic Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
Position: Chief economist, Chancellery of the Council of Ministers of the Czech Republic
Position: Editor, Hospodářské Noviny
Position: Deputy Director, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Position: Head of Central and South-East Europe Research Program, The Slovak Foreign Relations Association (RC SFPA)
Position: Journalist, Publicist, Polskie Radio
Position: Research Fellow, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), Hungary
Investing in a time of instability – risks, barriers, courage and profits. The Juncker’s Plan in the making – drawing conclusions from the news as it breaks. The investment climate in Central Europe and Poland. Not ‘How much?’ or ‘How many?’ but ‘How?’ Investments of high value for the economy and the labour market. Financing of projects as part of EU programmes. Infrastructure comes first – main directions of public investments. The art of competing for investors – versatile tools and special incentives. What hampers private investment and what stimulates it?
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Development Fund
Position: Editor-in-Chief, Rzeczpospolita daily
Position: CEO, Echo Polska Properties
Position: Chairman of the Supervisory Board, TDJ SA
Position: Head of Division - Operations - Corporate Lending (Germany, Poland and Northern Europe), European Investment Bank (EIB)
Position: President of the Supervisory Board, Work Service SA
Position: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development
Position: Chairman of the Board, ArcelorMittal Poland
Presentation of the Economic Investment Report on the Republic of Poland prepared by The European Times
Position: Vice President of the Management Board, OT Logistics SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Famur SA
Position: Director, Foreign Investment Department, Polska Agencja Informacji i Inwestycji Zagranicznych SA (Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency – PAIiIZ)
Position: Chairman of the Board for Development, KGHM Polska Miedź SA
Position: Director, Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Position: Deputy Editor-in-chief, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (daily legal newspaper)
Position: Investment Director for Strategic Clients Financing, ING Bank Śląski SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Impel Cleaning Sp. z o.o.
Position: Director, Department of Health and Social Policy, Marshal’s Office of the Małopolskie Voivodeship)
Position: Director, Wojewódzki Szpital Neuropsychiatryczny im. dr Emila Cyrana (Dr Emil Cyran Regional Neuropsychiatric Hospital) in Lubliniec
Position: Chairman of the Board, Mazowiecki Szpital Wojewódzki w Siedlcach Sp. z o.o. (Mazovia Regional Hospital in Siedlce)
Position: Senior Manager, PwC
Position: Director, Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny nr 1 we Wrocławiu (Independent Public Research Hospital No. 1 in Wrocław)
Position: Journalist, ‘Rynek Zdrowia’ Magazine
Position: Director, Silesian Regional Branch, Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund)
Position: acting Deputy Health Care Director, Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny nr 7 (Independent Public Research and Teaching Hospital No. 7), Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Górnośląskie Centrum Medyczne im. prof. Leszka Gieca (Professor Leszek Giec Upper Silesian Medical Centre in Katowice)
Poland - Israel Economic Meetings. Potential areas of cooperation. Cybersecurity, energy, innovations, start-ups
SPEAKERSPosition: Chairman of the Board, The Kosciuszko Institute
Position: Cyber security director, ECI
Position: CEO, Start-Up Nation Central
Position: Cyber Security Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel
Position: Director of Development and Government Affairs, Marathon Oil Polska Sp. z o.o.
Position: VP Product Management and Business Development, Verint
The 4th Africa – Central Europe Economic Co-operation Forum
SPEAKERSPosition: Member of the Board, Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu SA (Polish Investment and Trade Agency – PAIH)
Position: Group Head of Construction & Delivery, RENDEAVOUR Africa’s Urban Developper
Position: President, Polish-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Position: Principal Secretary, Ministry of Mining, Kenya
Position: marketing director, FEERUM SA
Position: CEO, The Pietrucha Group
Position: Journalist, Nowy Przemysł (New Industry, economic magazine), wnp.pl
Position: President, Poland – East Africa Economic Foundation (PEAEF)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Development Fund
Position: Partner, BBSG Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, PKP SA
Position: acting President, Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego (Civil Aviation Authority)
Position: Head, Naczelna Redakcja Gospodarcza (Chief Economic Editorial Office), Polskie Radio
Position: CEO, Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe Porty Lotnicze (‘Polish Airports’ State Enterprise)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Union of Regional Airports, Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze SA
Position: Associate Director, Regional Head of Manufacturing and Services, CSEE, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Position: Director, Foreign Investment Department, Polska Agencja Informacji i Inwestycji Zagranicznych SA (Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency – PAIiIZ)
Position: Chief Economist, Polityka INSIGHT
Position: partner, Audit, CE German Desk Leader, Deloitte
Position: General Director, Member of the Board, AHK
Position: General Plant Manager, Servier w Polsce
Poland - Israel Economic Meetings. Potential areas of cooperation. Cybersecurity, energy, innovations, start-ups
SPEAKERSPosition: Chairman of the Board, The Kosciuszko Institute
Position: Cyber security director, ECI
Position: CEO, Konfidas
Position: CEO and Founder, cycuro.com
Position: Business Development, Claroty
Position: VP Product Management and Business Development, Verint
In what way will EU-level regulations determine the development of the energy industry? The Climate Package, the Winter Package, and the EU ETS system. The road to the Energy Union – sustainable, secure and competitive energy in Europe. Polish energy strategies: Where are we headed? The technological revolution and its effects: energy storage, electromobility, distributed and prosumer power generation, and new solutions in the renewable energy industry. Let the power be with us: How much does energy security cost? The energy for industry – it should be reliable, readily available and cheap. Is it possible?
Position: Chairman of the Board, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA
Position: General Director, Veolia Group in Poland
Position: Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Parliament in the years 2009–2012, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in the years 1997–2001, Chairman of the Programme Board of the EEC
Position: Member of the Board for Development and Energy, PKN ORLEN SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA
Position: Vice-Chair, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Position: Chairman of the Board, ENEA SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, PTWP SA Group
Position: European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union
Position: Minister of Energy, Poland
Position: Member of the Board, eustream a.s.
Position: Vice-President for Trade, PGNIG SA
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