Amare Asgedom, Deputy CEO, Industrial Parks Development Corporation
Anna Bagińska, Director, Upper Silesian Branch, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute
Leszek Baj, Senior Analyst for Business Affairs, Polityka Insight
Malwina Bakalarska, Business Coach and Consultant, Polish-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Intercultural Researcher, Polish Academy of Sciencer (Polska Akademia Nauk)
Juan Carlos Baker Pineda, Escuela de Gobierno y Economía, Universidad Panamericana, CEO & Founding Partner, Consultores Internacionales Ansley, Viceminister for International Trade in the years 2016-2018, Mexico
Marcin Balicki, Chairman of the Board, , Millennium Leasing Sp. z o.o.
Marek Balt, Deputy Chairman, Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej)
Maciej Bando, President, Energy Regulatory Office (Urząd Regulacji Energetyki – URE)
Paweł Borys, Chairman of the Board, Polish Development Fund
Agnieszka Borysiuk, Technology Journalist, Video Producer, Ringier Axel Springer Polska
Christine Bosse, Chairman, PLANBørnefonden, Chairman, Danish European Movement, Chairman, Bank Nordic, Chairman, Tele Post Greenland, Chairman, Nunaoil, Member of the Board, Allianz, Member of the Board, Assistansbolaget
Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Parliament in the years 2009–2012; Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in the years 1997–2001; Chairman of the Programme Board of the EEC
Colin Cleary, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Director of Energy Diplomacy for Europe, the Western Hemisphere and Africa, Bureau of Energy Resources, US Departament of State
Maurice Dezou, West Africa Consultant, International Business Festival
Sławomir Dębski, Director, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Anna Diamantopolou, President, "DIKTIO" Network for Reform in Greece and Europe, EU Commissioner for Empolyment and Social Affairs in the years 1999-2004
Stanisław Dyrda, expert, independent position for supporting the strategic development of the NCRD in the Strategy Department, National Centre for Research and Development (Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju)
Brigitte Granville, Professor, International Economics and Economic Policy, Head, Department Business Analytics and Applied Economics, Queen Mary University of London
Piotr Grauer, Director, Deal Advisory, Mergers & Acquisitions Team, KPMG in Poland
Marek Jagieła, Head of Sales Industrial Chemicals & Head of Market Development, BASF Polska
Katarzyna Jagodzińska-Kalinowska, Director of President‘s Office, Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System (Agencja Oceny Technologii Medycznych i Taryfikacji)
Luca Jahier, President, European Economic and Social Committee
Jakub Jakóbowski, Chief Specialist, Centre for Eastern Studies (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia)
Agnieszka Jakubiak, Co-ordinator of the ‘Energy and Renewable Energy Sources’ project, Department of Co ordinators, National Centre for Research and Development (Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju)
David James Egwu, Co-Founder, Young CEOs Business Forum, CEO, Eden integrated Services Limited, Board Member & Director of Government Communications, African Achievers Awards
Marcin Janicki, Chairman of the Board, GKS GieKSa Katowice SA
Hubert A. Janiszewski, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank Polska SA
Janusz Janiszewski, Acting President, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (Polska Agencja Żeglugi Powietrznej)
Kamila Kalińczak, Editor-in-Chief, Instytut Dobrego Życia (Good Life Institute, ‘Wysokie Obcasy’ Magazine)
Henryk Kaliś, Chairman, Gas and Electricity Consumers Forum (Forum Odbiorców Energii Elektrycznej i Gazu), Head, Electricity Management Department, Plenipotentiary of the Board for Electricity Management, Zakłady Górniczo-Hutnicze ‘Bolesław’ SA
Michał Kanownik, Chairman of the Board, Association of Importers and Producers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment – ZIPSEE ‘Digital Poland’ (Związek Cyfrowa Polska)
Araya Kidane, Director, Business Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia
Grzegorz Kiełpsz, Chairman of the Board, Polish Association of Development Companies (Polski Związek Firm Deweloperskich); Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Dom Development SA
Izabela Kloc, Chairperson, Committee on EU Matters of the Polish Parliament (Sejm)
Stanisław Kluza, Collegium of Economic Analysis, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Minister of Finance of Poland in 2006, Chairman of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority in the years 2006–2011
Krzysztof Kochanowski, Deputy Chairman of the Board, General Manager, Polish Chamber of Energy Storage (Stowarzyszenie Polska Izba Magazynowania Energii)
Jacek Krajewski, President, Federation of Healthcare Employers’ Unions Zielona Góra Alliance (Federacja Związków Pracodawców Ochrony Zdrowia Porozumienie Zielonogórskie)
Daria Kulczycka, Director, Energy and Climate Change Department, Polish Confederation Lewiatan
Piotr Kulikowski, President, The National Poultry Council (Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa)
Paweł Kułaga, Chairman of the Board, Foreign Personnel Service Sp. z o.o.
Pradeep Kumar, president Indo-European Education Foundation, president ABS Institute, Faculty at University of Applied Sciences in Nysa
Mikołaj Kunica, Managing Director, Wirtualna Polska Media SA
Józef Kurek, Director, Multi-Specialist Hospital (SP ZOZ Szpital Wielospecjalistyczny) in Jaworzno; Chairman of the Board, Union of District Hospitals of the Silesian Voivodeship (Związek Szpitali Powiatowych Województwa Śląskiego)
Michał Kurek, Partner, Head of Cyber Security Department, KPMG
Andrzej Kurkiewicz, Deputy Director, Department of Investments and Development, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Bartosz Łoza, Member of the Board, Art Therapy Section, Polish Psychiatric Association, President, Polish Neuropsychiatric Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Neuropsychiatryczne)
Tomasz Misiak, President of the Supervisory Board, Entrepreneur, Investor, Work Service SA
Barbara Misiewicz-Jagielak, Director of External Relations, Polpharma Group, Vice-President, Polish Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Employers (Polski Związek Pracodawców Przemysłu Farmaceutycznego)
Tomasz Miszczuk, Member of the Board, Polskie Koleje Państwowe SA
Janusz Mitulski, Director, International Hotel Development for Central & Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, Marriott International
Ewa Mochocka, Associate Partner, Transaction Advisory Services, EY
Andżelika Możdżanowska, Secretary of State, Plenipotentiary of the Government for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, Poland
Henryk Mucha, President of the Management Board, PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny Sp. z o.o.
Josephine Ojiambo, Founder, Peter Ojiambo Foundation, Former Deputy Secretary-General of the Commonwealth , Former Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the United Nations
Artur Pluta, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Jeronimo Martins
Grzegorz Płatek, Director, Department of Economic Regulations Improvement, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Poland
Konrad Płochocki, Member of the Board, General Manager, Polski Związek Firm Deweloperskich (Polish Association of Development Companies)
Sebastian Płóciennik, Leading Analyst specializing in the German economy, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Zbigniew Płuciennik, Chairman of the Board, On Demand Sp. z o.o., Owner,
Joanna Podgórska, Director, Innovation and Business Development Department, PGNiG SA
Grzegorz Podlewski, Vice-President of the Board, Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin
Jerzy Polaczek, Member of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), Chairman, Parliamentary Infrastructure Committee, Minister of Transport and Construction (2006-2007), Minister of Transport (2006–2007), Poland
Piotr Pomian-Kruszyński, Director, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu SA)
Anna Rulkiewicz, President, LUX MED Group, President of the Management Board, Private Employers of Medicine
Małgorzata Rusewicz, President, Izba Gospodarcza Towarzystw Emerytalnych (Chamber of Commerce of Pension Fund Companies)
Piotr Rutkowski, Vice-President, Adviser to the Minister of Digital Affairs for Blockchain Technology, ‘Instytut Mikromakro’ Foundation (Fundacja Instytut Mikromakro)
Andrzej Stec, Editor-in-Chief, Parkiet – Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów
Piotr Stefaniak, Journalist, ‘Nowy Przemysł’ Economic Magazine, WNP.PL
Janusz Steinhoff, Chairman of the Council, Polish Chamber of Commerce (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza) Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy of Poland in the years 1997–2001
Jerzy Stępień, Vice-Rector, Director, Institute of Civic Space and Public Policy, Department of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Law and Administration, Łazarski University
Mariusz Swora, Member of the Board of Appeal, Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Agencja ds. Współpracy Organów Regulacji Energetyki)
Adrianna Szafruga, Country Manager, Obszar Ekspansji Zagranicznej Afryka Subsaharyjska & Australia, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu SA)
Jacek Szołtysek, Head, Department of Social Logistics, University of Economics in Katowice
Patrycja Szostok-Nowacka, Deputy Director for Education, Institute of Political Science and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia
Aleksander Śniegocki, Project Manager, Energy & Climate Programme, WiseEuropa Institute (WiseEuropa – Fundacja Warszawski Instytut Studiów Ekonomicznych i Europejskich)
Piotr Świecki, Director of Energy & Industrial Construction, Budimex SA
Tomasz Świetlicki, Director, Electrical Power Engineering and Heat Engineering Department, Ministry of Energy, Poland
Ryszard Świlski, Member of the Board of the Pomeranian Voivodeship; Chairman of the Board,, Association of Polish Regions of the Baltic-Adriatic Transport Corridor (Stowarzyszenie Polskich Regionów Korytarza Transportowego Bałtyk-Adriatyk)
Konrad Świrski, Institute of Heat Engineering, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Filip Świtała, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Finance, Poland
Aleksandra T. Fux, President, Polish-Austrian Initiative for Economic Cooperation
Kristián Takáč, Head of Working Group on Retail Electricity Market, Cabinet of Ministers Coordination Center for Electricity Market Implementation, Ukraina
Artur Tomasik, Chairman of the Board, Polish Regional Airports Association, Chairman of the Board, Upper Silesian Aviation Group – the entity managing the Katowice Airport
Mikołaj Wild, Plenipotentiary of the Government for the Central Airport and Railway Hub (Centralny Port Komunikacyjny – CPK), Secretary of State, Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland
Katarzyna Włodarczyk-Niemyjska, Director, Department of Law and Legislation, Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców)
Radosław Włoszek, CEO, John Paul II International Airport Krakow-Balice Ltd (Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków – Balice Sp. z o.o.), Deputy Chairman of the Board, Polish Regional Airports Association (Związek Regionalnych Portów Lotniczych)
Piotr Woźny, Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland for the ‘Clean Air’ Programme
Michał Wójcik, Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice, Poland
Mariusz Wójtowicz, Member of the Board, Polish Hospital Federation (Polska Federacja Szpitali), Chairman of the Board, Szpital Miejski w Zabrzu Sp. z o.o.
Aleksander Zajusz, Head, Outpatient Clinic, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology (Centrum Onkologii – Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie), Branch Gliwice (Oddział w Gliwicach)
Krzysztof Zamasz, Rector’s Plenipotentary for the Co-operation with Africa, Silesian University of Technology, Rector’s Plenipotentary, WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza
Paweł Zarudzki, Director, Robotic & Cognitive Automation Leader, Deloitte
Robert Zasina, President of the Management Board, TAURON Dystrybucja SA, Chairman of the Board, Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Przesyłu i Rozdziału Energii Elektrycznej)
Michał Zioło, Borussia Dortmund, Director of Sport, Łukasz Piszczek BVB Academy Foundation, Member of the Board, Łukasz Piszczek BVB Academy Foundation
Andrzej Ziółkowski, President, Polish Technical Supervision Office (Urząd Dozoru Technicznego)
Tomasz Zjawiony, President, Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice
Andrzej Zwara, President, Witold Bayer Research Centre of the Polish Bar Association (Ośrodek Badawczy Adwokatury im. Adw. Witolda Bayera), Member of the Polish Bar Council (Naczelna Rada Adwokacka), Attorney-at-Law, Partner, , Głuchowski Siemiątkowski Zwara Law Firm
Kiejstut Żagun, Director, Tax Advisory Department, Head of Innovation, Discounts and Grants Team, KPMG, Poland
Maciej Żakowski, Co-Creator, Restaurant Week Polska, Fine Dining Week & World Class Cocktail Festival, Co-Creator, ORZO people-music-nature chain of restaurants
Krzysztof Żarnotal, Plenipotentiary of the Board for the Circular Economy, Synthos SA
Karolina Żelawska-Pałasz, Corporate Lending, Germany, Austria, Poland, Northern Europe and Baltic States, European Investment Bank